Bing traffic map

On this page, you can see the Bing Maps developed by Microsoft with one of its most valuable features, the traffic situation indicator. The map view below can be zoomed in / out using the mouse, the “zoom” function on the right side of the map, or using your fingers on a mobile phone.

Road, Arial, or Bird’s view features can also opt for selection on the right side of the map.

If you want to see a place you don’t know where to find on the map, use this real-time traffic map with the search function provided.

Bing traffic updates map

Bing Maps shows current traffic information for major highways and roads to its online users. The feature uses four-color codes (black, red, yellow, green) to indicate traffic volume, from the most massive to the lightest traffic.

The real-time traffic map above shows the user’s current traffic information for major highways and roads in over 50 countries. The feature uses four-color codes (black, red, yellow, green) to indicate traffic volume, from the most massive traffic to the lightest traffic situations.

If you want route planning, visit our driving directions page, where you can also control traffic congestion on the go.

What are the colored lines represent on the Traffic Update map above?

  • The dreaded red lines on the map mean highway traffic is moving at less than 25 miles / 40.2 km per hour and could indicate an accident or congestion on that road.
  • Yellow lines on the map indicate that traffic moves faster, from 25 to 50 miles / 40.2 to 80.46 km per hour.
  • Green lines on the traffic map indicate zipping along 50 miles / 80.46 km per hour or more.
  • If you see grey lines on the map, that shows no traffic information available at the time.
  • The Red-black line on the map indicates extremely slow or stopped traffic

Map multiple locations, get transit/walking/driving directions, view live traffic conditions, plan trips, view satellite, aerial, and street side imagery.