Saint Lucia Google Maps

Saint Lucia

Free and always accurate driving directions, Google Maps, traffic information for Saint Lucia (LC). Explore satellite imagery of Castries, the capital city of Saint Lucia, on the Google Maps of Central America and the Caribbean below.

Saint Lucia (GPS: 13 53 N, 60 58 W) located in Caribbean, island between the Caribbean Sea and North Atlantic Ocean, north of Trinidad and Tobago. The country’s area measurements are 616 sq km; land: 606 sq km, water: 10 sq km. This sovereign state is three and a half times the size of Washington, DC. The total irrigated land is 30 sq km (2012).

One of the important features of Saint Lucia: The twin Pitons (Gros Piton and Petit Piton), striking cone-shaped peaks south of Soufriere, is one of the scenic natural highlights of the Caribbean.

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