Moldova Google Maps


Free and always accurate driving directions, Google Maps, traffic information for Moldova (MD). Explore satellite imagery of Chisinau in Romanian, the capital city of Moldova, on the Google Maps of Europe below.

Moldova (GPS: 47 00 N, 29 00 E) located in Eastern Europe, northeast of Romania. The country’s area measurements are total: 33,851 sq km; land: 32,891 sq km, water: 960 sq km. This sovereign state is slightly larger than Maryland. The total irrigated land is 2,283 sq km (2012).

One of the essential features of Moldova: Landlocked (enclosed or nearly enclosed by land). Well endowed with various sedimentary rocks and minerals, including sand, gravel, gypsum, and limestone.

It’s significant, and simultaneously, the principal city, Chisinau in Romanian’s GPS coordinates are 47 00 N 28 51 E. Chisinau in Romanian’s local time is 7 hours ahead of Washington DC during Standard Time. The capital’s time difference: UTC+2, note; Daylight saving time: +1hr begins last Sunday in March; ends last Sunday in October.

For more information on Moldova, please scroll down below the Google Maps.

Google Maps Moldova and Chisinau in Romanian, Europe

About Moldova in detail

Flag of Moldova Map of Moldova
The flag of Moldova Map of Moldova

A large portion of present-day Moldovan territory became a province of the Russian Empire in 1812 and then unified with Romania in 1918 in World War I. This territory was then incorporated into the Soviet Union at the close of World War II. Although Moldova has been independent of the Soviet Union since 1991, Russian forces have remained on Moldovan territory east of the Nistru River in Transnistria’s breakaway region, whose population is roughly equally composed of ethnic Ukrainians, Russians, and Moldovans.

Years of Communist Party rule in Moldova from 2001-2009 ultimately ended with election-related violent protests and a rerun of parliamentary elections in 2009. Since then, a series of pro-European ruling coalitions have governed Moldova. As a result of the country’s most recent legislative election in February 2019, parliamentary seats are split among the left-leaning Socialist Party (35 seats), the former ruling Democratic Party (30 seats), and the center-right ACUM bloc (26 seats). Parliament voted in Prime Minister Ion CHICU and his cabinet on 14 November 2019, two days after voting to remove his predecessor, ACUM co-leader Maia SANDU, who had been in office since June 2019.

Moldova’s names conventional long form: the Republic of Moldova, traditional short form: Moldova, local long form: Republica Moldova, local short state: Moldova, former: Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic, Moldovan Soviet Socialist Republic, etymology: named for the Moldova River in neighboring eastern Romania and called for the Moldova River in neighboring eastern Romania.

Moldova’s terrain is typically rolling steppe, gradual slope south to the Black Sea. The country’s mean elevation: 139 m, elevation extremes; lowest point: Dniester (Nistru) 2 m, highest point: Dealul Balanesti 430 m.

The general climate in the country; moderate winters, warm summers.

The total number of border countries is 2, Romania 683 km, Ukraine 1,202 km are the neighboring nations with the indicated border lengths. Moldova’s coastline is 0 km (landlocked country), while its marital claims are: none. Waterways: 558 km (in public use on Danube, Dniester and Prut rivers) (2011). Land use: agricultural land: 74.9%; arable land 55.1%; permanent crops 9.1%; permanent pasture 10.7%; forest: 11.9%; other: 13.2% (2011 estimate).

The population in Moldova 3,437,720 (July 2018 estimate), urban population: 45% of total population (2015), major urban area’s population: CHISINAU (capital) 725,000 (2015), while Moldova has pockets of agglomeration exist throughout the country, the largest being in the center of the country around the capital of Chisinau, followed by Tiraspol and Balti. Their spoken languages are Moldovan 58.8% (official language; virtually the same as the Romanian language), Romanian 16.4%, Russian 16%, Ukrainian 3.8%, Gagauz 3.1% (a Turkish language), Bulgarian 1.1%, other 0.3%, unspecified 0.4% (2004 estimate). Note: represents language usually spoken. Main religions in Moldova are Orthodox 93.3%, Baptist 1%, other Christian 1.2%, other 0.9%, atheist 0.4%, none 1%, unspecified 2.2% (2004 estimate). The nation uses civil law system with Germanic law influences; Constitutional Court review of legislative acts. It is a(n) parliamentary republic, National holiday(s) Independence Day, 27 August (1991).

Economic overview for the country: Despite recent progress, Moldova remains one of Europe’s poorest countries. With a moderate climate and productive farmland, Moldova’s economy relies heavily on its agriculture sector, featuring fruits, vegetables, wine, wheat, and tobacco. Moldova also depends on annual remittances of about $1.2 billion – almost 15% of GDP – from the roughly one million Moldovans working in Europe, Israel, Russia, and elsewhere. With few natural energy resources, Moldova imports almost all of its energy supplies from Russia and Ukraine. Moldova’s dependence on Russian energy is underscored by a more than $6 billion debt to Russian natural gas supplier Gazprom, largely the result of unreimbursed natural gas consumption in the breakaway region Transnistria. Moldova and Romania inaugurated the Ungheni-Iasi natural gas interconnector project in August 2014. The 43-kilometer pipeline between Moldova and Romania allows for both the import and export of natural gas.

Several technical and regulatory delays kept gas from flowing into Moldova until March 2015. Romanian gas exports to Moldova are largely symbolic. In 2018, Moldova awarded a tender to Romanian Transgaz to construct a pipeline connecting Ungheni to Chisinau, bringing the gas to Moldovan population centers. Moldova also seeks to connect with the European power grid by 2022. The government’s stated goal of EU integration has resulted in some market-oriented progress. Moldova experienced better than expected economic growth in 2017, driven mainly by increased consumption, increased revenue from agricultural exports, and improved tax collection. During fall 2014, Moldova signed an Association Agreement and a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement with the EU (AA/DCFTA), connecting Moldovan products to the world’s largest market. The EU AA/DCFTA has contributed to significant growth in Moldova’s exports to the EU.

In 2017, the EU purchased over 65% of Moldova’s exports, a significant change from 20 years previously, when the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) received over 69% of Moldova’s exports. A $1 billion asset-stripping heist of Moldovan banks in late 2014 delivered a significant shock to the economy in 2015; The subsequent bank bailout increased inflationary pressures and contributed to the leu’s depreciation and a minor recession. Moldova’s growth has also been hampered by endemic corruption, limiting business growth, deters foreign investment, and Russian restrictions on imports of Moldova’s agricultural products. The government’s push to restore stability and implement meaningful reform led to the approval in 2016 of a $179 million three-year IMF program focused on improving the banking and fiscal environments, along with additional assistance programs from the EU, World Bank, and Romania.

Moldova received two IMF tranches in 2017, totaling over $42.5 million. Over the longer term, Moldova’s economy remains vulnerable to corruption, political uncertainty, weak administrative capacity, vested bureaucratic interests, energy import dependence, Russian political and economic pressure, heavy dependence on agricultural exports, and unresolved separatism in Moldova’s Transnistria region.

Natural resources of Moldova: lignite, phosphorites, gypsum, limestone, arable land.

Main export partners for Moldova, Europe are Romania 23.1%, Italy 10.2%, Turkey 9.4%, Russia 8%, Germany 6.6%, Belarus 6.4% (2015) for foodstuffs, textiles, machinery, while the main import partners for the country are: Russia 22.7%, Romania 18.1%, Ukraine 11.5%, Germany 7%, Italy 4.8%, Turkey 4.4% (2015) for mineral products and fuel, machinery and equipment, chemicals, textiles.

When you visit this nation in Europe, consider the natural hazards in Moldova: Landslides, while infectious diseases are N/A. Also, note that Moldova faces the following environmental issues: Heavy use of agricultural chemicals, has contaminated soil and groundwater, Extensive soil erosion, and declining soil fertility from inferior farming methods.

You may also be interested in the countries next to Moldova around its total: 1,885 km border, like Romania, Ukraine.