Montserrat Google Maps


Free and always accurate driving directions, Google Maps, traffic information for Montserrat (MS). Explore satellite imagery of Plymouth, the capital city of Montserrat, on the Google Maps of Central America and the Caribbean below.

Montserrat (GPS: 16 45 N, 62 12 W) is located in the Caribbean, an island in the Caribbean Sea, southeast of Puerto Rico. The country’s area measurements are total: 102 sq km; land: 102 sq km, water: 0 sq km. This sovereign state is about 0.6 times the size of Washington, DC. The total irrigated land is 0 sq km (2012).

Montserrat’s essential features: The island is entirely volcanic in origin and comprises three major volcanic centers of differing ages.

It’s significant, and at the same time, the principal city, Plymouth’s GPS coordinates are 16 42 N 62 13 W. Plymouth’s local time is 1 hour ahead of Washington DC during Standard Time. The capital’s time difference: UTC-4.

For more information on Montserrat, please scroll down below the Google Maps.

Google Maps Montserrat and Plymouth, Central America and the Caribbean

About Montserrat in detail

Flag of Montserrat Map of Montserrat
The flag of Montserrat Map of Montserrat

English and Irish colonists from St. Kitts first settled on Montserrat in 1632; The first African slaves arrived three decades later. The British and French fought for possession of the island for most of the 18th century, but it finally was confirmed as a British possession in 1783. The island’s sugar plantation economy was converted to small farm landholdings in the mid-19th century. Much of this island was devastated, and two-thirds of the population fled abroad because of the eruption of the Soufriere Hills Volcano that began on 18 July 1995. Montserrat has endured volcanic activity since, with the last eruption occurring in 2013.

Montserrat’s names conventional long form: none, conventional short form: Montserrat, etymology: island named by explorer Christopher COLUMBUS in 1493 after the Benedictine abbey Santa Maria de Montserrat, near Barcelona, Spain. Explorer Christopher COLUMBUS named Island in 1493 after the Benedictine abbey Santa Maria de Montserrat, near Barcelona, Spain.

Montserrat’s terrain is typically volcanic island, mostly mountainous, with small coastal lowland. The country’s mean elevation: N/A, elevation extremes; lowest point: the Caribbean Sea 0 m, highest point: Soufriere Hills volcano pre-eruption height was 915 m.

The general climate in the country; tropical: little daily or seasonal temperature variation.

The total number of border countries is 0; none are the neighboring nations with the indicated border lengths. Montserrat’s coastline is 40 km, while its marital claims are: territorial sea: 3 nautical miles, exclusive fishing zone: 200 nautical miles. Waterways: N/A. Land use: agricultural land: 30%; arable land 20%; permanent crops 0%; permanent pasture 10%; forest: 25%; other: 45% (2011 estimate).

Montserrat 5,315 (July 2018 estimate), the urban population: 9% of total population (2015), major urban area’s population: N/A, while Montserrat has only the northern half of the island is populated, the southern portion is uninhabitable due to volcanic activity. Their spoken languages are English. Main religions in Montserrat are Protestant 67.1% (includes Anglican 21.8%, Methodist 17%, Pentecostal 14.1%, Seventh Day Adventist 10.5%, and Church of God 3.7%), Roman Catholic 11.6%, Rastafarian 1.4%, other 6.5%, none 2.6%, unspecified 10.8% (2001 estimate). The nation uses English common law. It is a(n) parliamentary democracy (Legislative Council); self-governing overseas territory of the UK, National holiday(s) birthday of Queen ELIZABETH II, second Saturday in June (1926).

Economic overview for the country: Severe volcanic activity, which began in July 1995, has put a damper on this small, open economy. A catastrophic eruption in June 1997 closed the airport and seaports, causing further economic and social dislocation. Two-thirds of the 12,000 inhabitants fled the island. Some began to return in 1998, but lack of housing limited the number. The agriculture sector continued to be affected by the lack of suitable land for farming and the destruction of crops. Prospects for the economy depend largely on developments about the volcanic activity and on public sector construction activity.

Half of the island remains uninhabitable. In January 2013, the EU announced a $55.2 million aid package to Montserrat to boost its economic recovery, with a specific focus on public finance management, public sector reform, and prudent financial management. Montserrat is tied to the EU through the UK. Although the UK is leaving the EU, Montserrat’s aid will not be affected as Montserrat maintains a direct agreement with the EU regarding support.

Natural resources of Montserrat: NEGL.

Main export partners for Montserrat, Central America, and the Caribbean are N/A for electronic components, plastic bags, apparel; hot peppers, limes, live plants; cattle, while the main import partners for the country are: N/A for machinery and transportation equipment, foodstuffs, manufactured goods, fuels, lubricants.

When you visit this country in Central America and the Caribbean, consider the natural hazards in Montserrat: Volcanic eruptions, severe hurricanes (June to November)volcanism: Soufriere Hills volcano (elevation 915 m), has erupted continuously since 1995, a massive explosion in 1997 destroyed most of the capital, Plymouth, and resulted in approximately half of the island becoming uninhabitable, while infectious diseases are N/A. Also, note that Montserrat faces the following environmental issues: Land erosion occurs on slopes that have been cleared for cultivation.

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