Kazakhstan Google Maps


Free and always accurate driving directions, Google Maps, traffic information for Kazakhstan (KZ). Explore satellite imagery of Astana, the capital city of Kazakhstan, on the Google Maps of Asia below.

Kazakhstan (GPS: 48 00 N, 68 00 E) located in Central Asia, northwest of China; a small portion west of the Ural (Zhayyq) River in easternmost Europe. The country’s area measurements are total: 2,724,900 sq km; land: 2,699,700 sq km, water: 25,200 sq km. This sovereign state is slightly less than four times the size of Texas. The total irrigated land is 20,660 sq km (2012).

One of the important features of Kazakhstan: World’s largest landlocked country and one of only two landlocked countries in the world that extends into two continents (the other is Azerbaijan). Russia leases approximately 6,000 sq km of territory enclosing the Baykonur Cosmodrome. In January 2004, Kazakhstan and Russia extended the lease to 2050.

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