Jordan Google Maps


Free and always accurate driving directions, Google Maps, traffic information for Jordan (JO). Explore satellite imagery of Amman, the capital city of Jordan, on the Google Maps of the Middle East below.

Jordan (GPS: 31 00 N, 36 00 E) located in Middle East, northwest of Saudi Arabia, between Israel (to the west) and Iraq. The country’s area measurements are total: 89,342 sq km; land: 88,802 sq km, water: 540 sq km. This sovereign state is about three-quarters the size of Pennsylvania, slightly smaller than Indiana. The total irrigated land is 964 sq km (2012).

One of the important features of Jordan: Strategic location at the Gulf of Aqaba and as the Arab country that shares the longest border with Israel and the occupied West Bank. The Dead Sea, the lowest point in Asia, and the second saltiest body of water in the world (after Lac Assal in Djibouti), lie on Jordan’s western border with Israel and the West Bank. Jordan is almost landlocked but does have a 26 km southwestern coastline with a single port, Al ‘Aqabah (Aqaba).

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