Nauru Google Maps


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Nauru (GPS: 0 32 S, 166 55 E) is located in Oceania, an island in the South Pacific Ocean, south of the Marshall Islands. The country’s area measurements are total: 21 sq km; land: 21 sq km, water: 0 sq km. This sovereign state is about 0.1 times the size of Washington, DC. The total irrigated land is 0 sq km (2012).

One of the important features of Nauru: World’s smallest island country. Situated just 53 km south of the Equator. Nauru is one of the three great phosphate rock islands in the Pacific Ocean – the others are Banaba (Ocean Island) in Kiribati and Makatea in French Polynesia.

It’s significant, and at the same time, the principal city, no official capital’s GPS coordinates are N/A. No official capital’s local time is 17 hours ahead of Washington DC during Standard Time. The capital’s time difference: UTC+12.

For more information on Nauru, please scroll down below the Google Maps.

Google Maps Nauru and no official capital, Oceania

About Nauru in detail

Flag of Nauru Map of Nauru
The flag of Nauru Map of Nauru

The Nauruans’ exact origins are unclear since their language does not resemble any other in the Pacific region. Germany annexed the island in 1888. A German-British consortium began mining the island’s phosphate deposits early in the 20th century. Australian forces occupied Nauru in World War I; It subsequently became a League of Nations mandate. After the Second World War – and a brutal occupation by Japan – Nauru became a UN trust territory. It achieved independence in 1968 and joined the UN in 1999 as the world’s smallest independent republic.

Nauru’s names conventional long form: the Republic of Nauru, conventional short form: Nauru, local long form: the Republic of Nauru, local short form: Nauru, former: Pleasant Island, etymology: the island name may derive from the Nauruan word “anaoero” meaning “I go to the beach.” The island name may derive from the Nauruan word “anaoero,” meaning “I go to the beach.”

Nauru’s terrain is typically sandy beach rises to fertile ring around raised coral reefs with phosphate plateau in the center. The country’s mean elevation: N/A, elevation extremes; lowest point: Pacific Ocean 0 m, highest point: unnamed elevation along plateau rim 61 m.

The country’s general climate is tropical with a monsoonal pattern: rainy season (November to February).

The total number of border countries is 0, none are the neighboring nations with the indicated border lengths. Nauru’s coastline is 30 km, while its marital claims are: territorial sea: 12 nautical miles, contiguous zone: 24 nautical miles, exclusive economic zone: 200 nautical miles. Waterways: N/A. Land use: agricultural land: 20%; arable land 0%; permanent crops 20%; permanent pasture 0%; forest: 0%; other: 80% (2011 estimate).

The population in Nauru 9,692 (July 2018 estimate), urban population: 100% of total population (2015), major urban area’s population: N/A, while Nauru has N/A. Their spoken languages are Nauruan 93% (official language, a distinct Pacific Island language), English 2% (widely understood, spoken, and used for most government and commercial purposes), other 5% (includes I-Kiribati 2% and Chinese 2%). Note: percentages represent main language spoken at home; Nauruan is spoken by 95% of the population, English by 66%, and other languages by 12% (2011 estimate).

Main religions in Nauru are Protestant 60.4% (includes Nauru Congregational 35.7%, Assembly of God 13%, Nauru Independent Church 9.5%, Baptist 1.5%, and Seventh Day Adventist 0.7%), Roman Catholic 33%, other 3.7%, none 1.8%, unspecified 1.1% (2011 estimate). The nation uses a mixed legal system of common law based on the English model and customary law. It is a(n) parliamentary republic, National holiday(s) Independence Day, 31 January (1968).

Economic overview for the country: Revenues of this tiny island – a coral atoll with a land area of 21 square kilometers – traditionally have come from exports of phosphates. With most necessities being imported, few other resources exist, mainly from Australia, its former occupier, and later major source of support. Primary reserves of phosphates were exhausted, and mining ceased in 2006, but mining a deeper layer of “secondary phosphate” in the island’s interior began the following year. The secondary phosphate deposits may last another 30 years. Earnings from Nauru’s export of phosphate remains an important source of income. Few comprehensive statistics on the Nauru economy exist; Estimates of Nauru’s GDP vary widely. The rehabilitation of mined land and the replacement of income from phosphates are serious long-term problems. In anticipation of Nauru’s phosphate deposits’ exhaustion, substantial amounts of phosphate income were invested in trust funds to help cushion the transition and provide for Nauru’s economic future.

Although revenue sources for the government are limited, the Australian Regional Processing Center’s opening for asylum seekers since 2012 has sparked growth in the economy. Revenue derived from fishing licenses under the “vessel day scheme” has also boosted government income. Housing, hospitals, and other capital plant are deteriorating. The cost to Australia of keeping the Nauruan government and economy afloat continues to climb.

Natural resources of Nauru: phosphates, fish.

Main export partners for Nauru, Oceania are N/A for phosphates, while the country’s main import partners are: N/A for food, fuel, manufacturers, building materials, machinery.

When you visit this country in Oceania, consider the natural hazards in Nauru: Periodic droughts, while infectious diseases are N/A. Also, note that Nauru faces the following environmental issues: Limited natural fresh water resources, roof storage tanks that collect rainwater and desalination plants provide water, A century of intensive phosphate mining beginning in 1906 left the central 90% of Nauru a wasteland, Cadmium residue, phosphate dust, and other contaminants have caused air and water pollution with negative impacts on health, Climate change has brought on rising sea-levels and inland water shortages.

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