New Zealand Google Maps

New Zealand

Free and always accurate driving directions, Google Maps, traffic information for New Zealand (NZ). Explore satellite imagery of Wellington, the capital city of New Zealand, on the Google Maps of Oceania below.

New Zealand (GPS: 41 00 S, 174 00 E) located in Oceania, islands in the South Pacific Ocean, southeast of Australia. The country’s area measurements are total: 268,838 sq km; land: 264,537 sq km, water: 4,301 sq km. This sovereign state is almost twice the size of North Carolina, about the size of Colorado. The total irrigated land is 7,210 sq km (2012).

One of the essential features of New Zealand: Consists of two main islands and many smaller islands. South Island, the more massive main island, is the 12th largest island globally and is divided along its length by the Southern Alps. North Island is the 14th largest island globally and is not as mountainous, but volcanism is marked. New Zealand lies along the Ring of Fire, a belt of active volcanoes and earthquake epicenters bordering the Pacific Ocean. Up to 90% of the world’s earthquakes and some 75% of the world’s volcanoes occur within the Ring of Fire. Almost 90% of the population lives in cities and over three-quarters on North Island. Wellington is the southernmost national capital in the world.

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