Canada Google Maps


Free and always accurate driving directions, Google Maps, traffic information for Canada (CA). Explore Ottawa’s satellite imagery, the capital city of Canada, on the Google Maps of North America below.

Canada (GPS: 60 00 N, 95 00 W) located in Northern North America, bordering the North Atlantic Ocean on the east, North Pacific Ocean on the west, and the Arctic Ocean on the north of the conterminous US. The country’s area measurements are total: 9,984,670 sq km; land: 9,093,507 sq km, water: 891,163 sq km. This sovereign state is slightly larger than the US. The total irrigated land is 8,700 sq km (2012).

One of Canada’s crucial features is the second-largest country globally (after Russia) and most extensive in the Americas. Strategic location between Russia and US via north polar route. Approximately 90% of the population concentrated within 160 km (100 mi) of the US border. Canada has more freshwater than any other country, and almost 9% of Canadian territory is water. Canada has at least 2 million and possibly over 3 million lakes – that is more than all other countries combined.

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