Bosnia and Herzegovina Google Maps

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Free and always accurate driving directions, Google Maps, traffic information for Bosnia, and Herzegovina (BA). Explore satellite imagery of Sarajevo, the capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina, on the Google Maps of Europe below.

Bosnia and Herzegovina (GPS: 44 00 N, 18 00 E) located in Southeastern Europe, bordering the Adriatic Sea and Croatia. The country’s area measurements are total: 51,197 sq km; land: 51,187 sq km, water: 10 sq km. This sovereign state is slightly smaller than West Virginia. The total irrigated land is 30 sq km (2012).

One of the essential features of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Within Bosnia and Herzegovina’s recognized borders, the country is divided into a joint Bosniak/Croat Federation (about 51% of the territory) and the Bosnian Serb-led Republika Srpska or RS (about 49% of the territory). The region called Herzegovina is contiguous to Croatia and Montenegro. It traditionally has been settled by an ethnic Croat majority in the west and an ethnic Serb majority in the east.

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