Gabon Google Maps


Free and always accurate driving directions, Google Maps, traffic information for Gabon (GA). Explore satellite imagery of Libreville, the capital city of Gabon, on the Google Maps of Africa below.

Gabon (GPS: 1 00 S, 11 45 E) is located in Central Africa, bordering the Atlantic Ocean at the Equator, between the Republic of the Congo and Equatorial Guinea. The country’s area measurements are total: 267,667 sq km; land: 257,667 sq km, water: 10,000 sq km. This sovereign state is slightly smaller than Colorado. The total irrigated land is 40 sq km (2012).

One of Gabon’s essential features is that a small population and oil and mineral reserves have helped Gabon become one of Africa’s wealthier countries. In general, these circumstances have allowed the state to maintain and conserve its pristine rain forest and rich biodiversity.

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