France Google Maps


Free and always accurate driving directions, Google Maps, traffic information for France (FR). Explore satellite imagery of Paris, the capital city of France, on the Google Maps of Europe below.

France (GPS: 46 00 N, 2 00 E) located in metropolitan France: Western Europe, bordering the Bay of Biscay and the English Channel, between Belgium and Spain, southeast of the UK; bordering the Mediterranean Sea, between Italy and Spain. French Guiana: Northern South America, bordering the North Atlantic Ocean, between Brazil and Suriname. Guadeloupe: the Caribbean, islands between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, southeast of Puerto Rico. Martinique: the Caribbean, island between the Caribbean Sea and North Atlantic Ocean, north of Trinidad and Tobago. Mayotte: Southern Indian Ocean, an island in the Mozambique Channel, about halfway between northern Madagascar and northern Mozambique. Reunion: Southern Africa, an island in the Indian Ocean, east of Madagascar. The country’s area measurements are total: 643,801 sq km; land: 640,427 sq km; 549,970 sq km, water: 3,374 sq km. This sovereign state is slightly more than four times the size of Georgia, slightly less than Texas’s size. The total irrigated land is 26,000 sq km (2012).

One of the important features of France: Largest West European nation. Most major French rivers – the Meuse, Seine, Loire, Charente, Dordogne, and Garonne – flow northward or westward into the Atlantic Ocean. Only the Rhone flows southward into the Mediterranean Sea.

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